Now that we’re officially half-way through the calendar year and half-way through the summer, my mindset has been shifting and recalibrating what the rest of the summer looks like and what the rest of the year looks like. We can make plans but they might be cancelled, we can make goals but they might be achieved differently than we anticipated. Something I’m learning and re-learning through this pandemic is that today is the gift. I am focusing on each day and little things instead of big to do list items.
I want to bring you some hope for TODAY and a simple reset method that has helped me the last couple months.
If you follow my routine, you know that every day is a chance to start over – we don’t worry about what we didn’t get done, we take care of the day we’re given and move on. It’s a given that I’ll be working on my Cleaning Routine every single day – today is Wednesday, so it’s vacuuming day. Try out the Clean Mama Routine with the FREE Printable Homekeeping Calendar. We do the Daily Tasks and do our best to complete the Weekly Task as well. I say all this to tell you that this isn’t where I’m concentrating – these are things that are on auto-pilot in our home. We do them together and separately, but they get done. Not every day, not always at 100%, but we do our best and give ourselves grace when we don’t get them done. It’s just dirt anyway
I use the Homekeeping Planner to track the Daily and Weekly Tasks – find the latest Homekeeping Planner here.
If you’re working on getting started with the Clean Mama Routine, or feel like you’re stuck, you can use this technique to get started!
Just One Thing
Here’s the JUST ONE THING. This is where I’ve been going daily. Just One Thing. It’s fits nicely with my mantra, Everyday a Little Something. Regardless of the stage of life you’re in, you can benefit from this little shift.
If you’ve heard of choosing three things in a day and would be happy to just get ONE THING accomplished, this is a perfect start for you!
Here’s how you can apply it:
- What ONE cleaning task can I do today, will make a difference in our home?
- What ONE organizing task can I do today, will make a difference in our home?
- Is there something I can reward myself with that might motivate me to do ONE thing?
- What ONE task can I do in the 5 minutes I have?
- Ask yourself, ‘If I can do just one thing today, what will it be?’
- Or how about this, ‘What’s the one thing I HAVE to get done today?’
- My personal favorite, ‘What ONE thing would make my tomorrow self feel better?’
- Another way to frame it, ‘Let’s do one FUN thing this week, what will it be?’ Of course a waterpark or museum trip could be fun, but this can be as simple as rootbeer floats, a sprinkler in the backyard, sparklers at night, a special baked treat, setting up a tent in the backyard, a trip to the library….
Struggling with Motivation? Here are some tips for that!
- Start in the worst area first and keep going with that momentum. This is why I clean bathrooms on Mondays.
- Choose cleaning supplies that you enjoy using. Color coordinate or just choose supplies you like the look of – I find that having CUTE SUPPLIES DOES MAKE CLEANING MORE FUN.
- Don’t put it off – get it over with and get on with your life.
- Watch other people clean – FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM – I share tips and tricks daily.
- Listen to a podcast, audiobook, or your favorite music – think of it as an escape. Here’s my CLEANING PLAYLIST.
- Call someone and chat while you’re cleaning. Chances are you’ll enjoy the conversation more than you realize that you’re cleaning.
- Make it a game – set a timer and race yourself.
- Invite someone over – you will probably get more done in a shorter period of time.
- Reward yourself with something that motivates you when you accomplish your goal.
Now that you’re motivated, how do you know where to start?
Head to my start here page – one of the best parts of my cleaning routine is that you don’t need to think about what needs to be cleaned and when it needs to be cleaned. Just do the day’s task and you’ll find that your home is clean most of the time and it takes LESS time than any other cleaning routine!
from Clean Mama
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